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Madison College Performing Arts

Madison College Performing Arts performances are generally presented at the Mitby Theatre at the Madison College Truax campus. Box Office at Mitby Theatre, open 11am - 5 pm M-F. Open 1 hour before show times on night of performance. Auditions are open to all students, faculty, staff and members of the Madison College community.

One of the largest of the Wisconsin Technical College System's 16 colleges, Madison College provides a comprehensive curriculum of technical, liberal arts and science, adult basic education and life enrichment studies and activities, as well as customized employee training. With training in more than 100 career programs, the college awards associate degrees, vocational diplomas and certificates, and offers non-degree courses. Madison College serves all or parts of 12 counties located in south-central Wisconsin and offers instruction through five campuses and other locations throughout the district.

Past Productions