To Kill a Mockingbird
By Christopher Sergel
Directed by Miranda Hawk
Set in Alabama during the Great Depression, To Kill a Mockingbird follows the journey of Jem and Scout Finch, whose father has been appointed to defend Tom Robinson, a black man framed for a crime he didn’t commit. As the trial progresses, Jem and Scout witness their community in a tense tug-of-war between justice and racism.
Produced by Madison College Performing Arts at Mitby Theater, Madison College, Madison
Performances: March 8-17, 2013
Performance Times:
March 8 @ 7:30
March 9 @ 7:30
March 10 @ 2:00March 15 @ 7:30
March 16 @ 7:30
March 17 @ 2:00Ticket Prices: $12.00
Call 608-243-4000 for reservations or more information.