A Village Fable (and more!)

Adapted by James Still, based on John Gardner's novella In the Suicide Mountains

Directed by Lynda Sharpe

An incredible journey of humor, heart, and heroes, A Village Fable is a musical about three people who are shunned for being different: Chudu the Goat-Man, Armida, the blacksmith's daughter, and Prince Christopher, the violin-playing heir to the throne. These three stories weave in and out of one another, intertwining and finally overlapping when each character is pushed to the brink by pressures to conform to social, political, and gender roles.

A Village Fable will represent the USA at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland August '04.

Music by Michael Keck Combat by David Daniel of APT. Choreography by Robin Fonfara. Vocal Direction Susan Mielke Technical Design by Pat Motiff. Costumes by Nancy Domanski.

AND MORE includes a BRIGADOON medley, authentic Scottish Dancing (includes Sword Dance by Todd McCall) and scenes from Shakespeare's "Scottish Play."

Produced by MHS Drama in the MCPA Performing Arts Center at 2100 Bristol St. Middleton

Performance: Friday, May 7, 2004, at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets are $5 and sold at the door.

For more information phone 608-829-9713.
