
Pilobolus is the freshest combination of performance art to crawl, leap, roll, ripple, glide, or morph its way across the stage. Pilobolus Dance Theatre is a zany, clever, and impulsive dance troupe created in 1971 at Dartmouth College with a clear desire to make something new. What emerged was a collaborative choreographic process and a unique weight-sharing approach to partnering that gave the company a non-traditional but powerful new set of skills with which to make dances. However, dancing is but one part of the multi-faceted talent of Pilobolus. Breathtaking acrobatics, theater, and mime combine for an eveningÕs entertainment that explodes with imagination. These dancers will astound you with their contorting human sculptures. They twist, organize, and mold their bodies into amazing shapes and feats of balance, strength, and flexibility, while making you laugh at the same time. YouÕll be awestruck!

Produced by Irvin L. Young Auditorium at 930 West Main Street, Hwy 12 in Whitewater, WI 53190

Performances: Tuesday & Wednesday, March 2 & 3, 2004 at 7:30 pm

Ticket Prices $26, $23, $20

Call 262-474-2222 for reservations or more information.

Tickets are available on-line at http://tickets.uww.edu

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