One Foggy Christmas Eve
An original family comedy. The show is set in a crowded airline terminal where travellers are trying to make their Christmas Eve flights. The flights are grounded at the end of the first act, and as the night wears on, the tension mounts. The interaction between the characters - 3 full-fledged "yoopers", a teenage girl trying to escape her overbearing father, a worn-out single mother of two, two gambling addicts and others - make for a hilarious and ultimately touching theatre experience.
Produced by Rebel Alliance Theatre at the Westhaven Golf Club (Bogey Pub and Grill).
Performances: December 12-20, 2003
Dec. 12 and 13 at the historic Thrasher Opera House in Green Lake, and Dec. 18 through the 20th at a location to be announced.
For more information call 1(920)426-8580 or visit our website at