By Don Nigro
Directed by Kathy Lynn Sliter
An evening of one acts and monologues by award-winning and controversial playwright, Don Nigro. These five pieces showcase the playwright's expertise in utilizing sensuality, dark humor, lyricism, and a rather mystical quality in his writing that reveal our own world through various, sometimes peculiar viewpoints. SQUIRRELS promises to be engaging, frightening, and hilarious, not to mention enjoyable, complete with live music.
Produced by thrustStage at Kanopy Dance Studio, 133 West Johnson St. (just around the corner from Noodles on State St., downtown Madison)
Performances: January 16-31, 2004
Opens January 16 and continues January 17, 23, 24, 30, & 31 (Friday and Saturday evenings) at all shows 8 pm
Ticket Prices $15 ($12 students and seniors)
Call 608-260-8971 (reservations highly recommended) for reservations or more information.
Erik Burtz, Mickey Crocker, Casey Grimm, Amy Lewis, Nancie Sanford, Molly Vanderlin, Marcy Weiland, and Daina Zemliauskas