Little Women
Adapted by Sandra Fenichel Asher from the writings of Louisa May Alcott
LITTLE WOMEN: MEG, JO, BETH, AND AMY, February 4-27,2005 Promenade Hall, Overture Center for the Arts. Louisa May Alcott published Little Women: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, the first volume of her now-classic book, in 1868. That story's instant success prompted the second volume, Little Women: Good Wives. This spritely adaptation is based on that first volume, along with "The Battle of Beaumanoir," a later Alcott story containing echoes of Jo's penchant for swashbuckling tales and her friendship with Laurie. This touching and humorous story is most appreciated by ages five and up.
Produced by CTM Madison Family Theatre Company at Promenade Hall/211 State Street
Performances: February 4-20, 2005 at Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 pm, Saturdays at 3:30 pm and 7:30 pm, Sundays at 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm
Ticket Prices $21 for adults, $16 for students/children/seniors
Call (608) 258-4141 for reservations or more information.