Eve's Odds and Cleo
By Libretto by J. Jason Charnesky
Directed by Jim Butchart
Eve's Odds is a slighly different look at a very old story. Set in the Garden of Eden at the beginning of time, this musical comedy explores a certain famouse event involving an apple and a serpent from Eve's point of view. Cleo takes place on the set of the Hollywood epic Cleopatra as Elizabeth Taylor tries to choose between her lover, Richard Burton, and her husband Eddie Fisher. These two shows are part of a trilogy called Ever Since Eden, composed by Bruce Trinkley
Produced by UW Whitewater Theatre/Dance at Barnett Theatre at The Center of the Arts, 800 West Main Street, Whitewater WI, 53190
Performances: October 13-19, 2002
- Oct. 13 at 2:00 pm
- Oct 15,17 and 19 at 7:30 pm
Ticket Prices General admission $10, over 65 $9, under 18 $6.50, uww student $4
Call (262) 472-2222 for reservations or more information.