Coffee, Chocolate & Cabaret
The United Arts Alliance, a non-profit coalition of area arts organizations and individuals, in conjunction with the Beloit Janesville Symphony Orchestra, are sponsoring “Coffee, Chocolate, and Cabaret” on Saturday, May 3, 2003 at the Kirk Denmark, Theatre, UW-Rock Co., 2900 Kellogg Ave. Janesville. The event will feature 3 cabarets of performing artists from Rock County and a fine arts exhibit.Performances begin at 5:30 with “The Family Cabaret” featuring:
• Spotlight on Kids,
• Theatre Unlimited,
• UW-Rock County,
• Heatwave,
• MacDowell Music Club, and;
• Rock Valley Chapter of Badger Chordhawks Chorus.“The Adult Cabaret” follows at 7:00 with performances for a more mature audience that will include:
• Edie Baran,
• MacDowell Music Club,
• Rock Valley Chapter of Badger Chordhawks Chorus;
• Theatre Unlimited,
• UW-Rock Contemporary, and
• Stateline Harmony Sweet Adelines.From 9:00 -11:00 p.m. , the “After Glo” will feature live music and dancing in the UW-Rock County All-Purpose Room. The audience will be invited to visit a fine arts exhibit between each cabaret. United Arts Alliance Signature Blend Coffee will be available to enjoy during the performances or to take home at $10/bag. Chocolate treats will also be available for the audience’s enjoyment, as well as, door prizes at each cabaret.
Advance tickets are available at: Knapton Music Knotes, Spotlight On Kids, or they may be purchased at the door beginning at 4p.m. Admittance is: 1 Show: $10; 2 Shows $15; All 3 performances: $20; and Children under 12 years old $5 for each performance.
All proceeds will benefit the United Arts Alliance and will help establish Rock County’s first arts endowment fund, the United Arts Fund. The United Arts Fund is being established to support the Rock County region's cultural health which is considered a necessary element to enhance the quality of life which every community enjoys. The first county-wide collaborative arts fund drive is being established to assist and sustain Rock County nonprofit arts organizations and artists. Not only will this help the arts groups by simplifying funding activities; it will lessen the number of requests made to local businesses, corporations and individuals each year.