Lonestar & Words, Words, Words
By James Mclure and David Ives
Directed by Steven Van Haren & Casey Grimm
An evening of wit, comedy, and narcisistic indulgence. Plus the world premier of Wherefore art thou, Samuel Beckett?, a scene by local Madison vagabond, and part time existentialist, S. Thomas.
Produced by Steve Van Haren at the Red Room Theater, 201 S. Gammon Rd. (Memorial H.S.)
Performances: August 11-13, 2000
Fri Sat Sun August 11
7:30 pmAugust 12
7:30 pmAugust 13
4 and 7:30 pmTicket are $4 (money will go to a good cause)
Any questions, call 608-827-6244