By Agatha Christie

Directed by Barbara Christensen

Winner! New York Critics Circle Award
Called "a walloping success" by The Herald Tribune, Leonard Vole stands in the dock, accused of murder. His wife can prove his innocence but when she takes the stand she denies his alibi. Can he escape the hangman’s noose? Witness for the Prosecution "packs plenty of surprise in its cargo of suspense!" -The Daily Mirror

Produced by Lake Country Playhouse at Lake Country Playhouse, 221 E Capitol Drive, Hartland, WI 53029

Performances: April 1-17, 2016

Performance Times:
April 1-17, 2016
Fridays at 7:30pm | Saturdays at 7:30pm | Sundays at 2:00pm

Ticket Prices: $20.00

Email info@lakecountryplayhousewi.org for reservations or more information.

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