Trifecta: Graceland, Mrs. Sorken & Wanda's Visit
By Ellen Byron, Christopher Durang
Directed by Jody Steinke
The place is the front entrance of Graceland, the late Elvis Presley's Memphis mansion, the time, five o'clock in the morning, three days before the estate is to be opened to the public. Two ardent Presley fans, Bev and Rootie, are camped out before the gates, each determined to be the first to enter the sacred precincts. Bev is a bewigged, middle-aged lady with too much make-up and a brassy down-home style; Rootie is young and shy and somewhat intimidated by the raucous Bev. Wary at first, the two soon progress from dispute to shared confidences and a growing compassion that, in the end, moves the essentially warm-hearted Bev to defer the place of honor to her waif-like and touchingly sincere rival.Mrs. Sorken
Mrs. Sorken, A middle-aged suburban matron, greets the audience to inform us about protocol and purpose behind the experience of attending the theater. She’s lost her notes, so she relies upon her somewhat scattered memory to give us a quick history about theater, drama and ancient Greeks, and how closely Dramamine is tied to drama. Her comments are dotty, but definitely endearing.Wanda’s Visit
Jim and Marsha have been married for thirteen years and are feeling a little bored and unhappy. Wanda, Jim's old girlfriend, shows up for a visit and becomes the guest from hell. Out one night for dinner, all hell breaks loose in the restaurant as a waiter tries to cope on his first day with the confused threesome. Wanda’s Visit addresses adult relationship themes in sometimes ironic, often comic ways.Produced by Wisconsin Rapids Community Theatre at Wisconsin Rapids Community Theatre Auditorium, 220 3rd Avenue, S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
Performances: February 16-19, 2017
Performance Times:
Feb. 16-17; 7:30pm
Feb. 19; 2:00pm matineeTicket Prices: $15; $12 for 10 or more
Call 715-421-0435 for reservations or more information.