Tom Jones
By Henry Fielding
Directed by Rebecca Jallings
This adaptation of Henry Fielding’s classic novel is a rousing comedy about a young man’s adventures in 18th-century England. Tom Jones, a charming womanizer, is discovered as an abandoned infant in the bed of Squire Allworthy, a wealthy landowner who raises him as his own. As a young man, Tom yearns for the beautiful Sofia, the daughter of a neighboring squire, but his amorous misadventures lead him to London and to a duel with a jealous husband. He’s sentenced to hang, but fate intervenes. There have been two versions — a film in 1963 with Albert Finney, and a TV mini-series in 1997 with Max Beesley. A dashing hero, plus lots of sword fighting, plus the requisite mistaken identities add up to lots of laughs! Don’t miss this one!
Produced by West High School at Madison West High School, 30 Ash Street
Performances: November 7-15, 2008
Performance Times: November 7, 8, 14 & 15 7:30 PM
Ticket Prices: $10 Adults $5 Students Available at and at the door
Call 608-204-3182 for reservations or more information.