Toby Tyler at the Circus
Directed by Linda Hofacker-Mongin
By Tim Kelly, Pioneer Drama Service
Convinced he's not wanted by his family, Toby runs away with the traveling circus. Experience Toby's life in the circus with dancers, clowns, tumblers, animals, singers and many more fun and lovable characters which leads to a spectacular finale and rediscovery of family and friends. The evening is a host of entertainment for the entire family to enjoy!
Produced by Papermaker Players Family Theatre at Kimberly High School, W2662 Kennedy Ave - Kimberly, WI
Performances: June 10-13, 2009
Performance Times: June 10, 11, 12 and 13 at 7:00PM
Ticket Prices: $10/adults, $8/senior citizens and $5/students
Call 920-830-9464 for reservations or more information.