Time Flies...matters of life and death
By David Ives
Directed by David Ranney and Carissa Mann
Seven short, interrelated one acts. The plays are hilarious, absurd, fast moving; full of puns, off-balance rhythms, and unpredictable twists. Underlying are serious issues and questions requiring suspended belief. A lot of "What if...?" and "Consider this...."
Co-directors David Ranney and Carissa Mann have assembled a cast of 10 actors who weave into and out of character roles as the plays progress, making minor set changes and costume adjustments as they go. Props cross boundaries from one play to the next, poses and gestures in one context crop up in a later one, thus creating continuity, a flow of consciousness as each play explores the possibilities of time in its own way.
There is no intermission, no interruption of this merry confrontation with conventional concepts of time.
Produced by the Island Players (on tour from Washington Island) at Oakwood Village West Playhouse, Mineral Point Road, Madison.
Performances: February 23, 2008
Performance Times: one performance only, 7:30 pm on Saturday, February 23
Ticket Prices: $10.00 at door or at Washington Hotel Coffeeroom, 402 Lakeside in advance
Call 608-441-7599 for reservations or more information.