Three Musketeers
By Ken Ludwig
Directed by Lynda Sharpe, Drama Director and Tom Mielke, Music Director
The Middleton High School Drama Club - Scotland cast will present The Three Musketeers. Swashbuckling, sword fighting, and drama, Ken Ludwig's new version of Three Musketeers has an element of humor and the Middleton Scotland cast has created a fun and family friendly version of the story. This play will be presented June 14 and one more time for a special farewell performance on July 25th then at the International Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland. Come and see the show that will delight audiences in Scotland!
Sunday, July 14, 4 pm at the Middleton Cross Plains Performing Arts Center, 2100 Bristol Street, Middleton. Tickets available at the door $7 adults and $5 students/seniors. Info: 829-9713
Jess Mackie will step in and play D'Artagnan's little sister Sabine. In real life Jess is the younger sister of Jack Mackie who will play D'Artagnan. Lawson Young will reprise the role in Scotland and she will also perform for the farewell performance that is schedule for July 25th prior to the Scotland trip. The Three Muskeeter cast includes Matt Hunt, Matt Weiss and Kevin Roland as the Three Musketeers. Eric Anderson creates Cardinal Richilieu and Emily Roach will take on the character Milady. Neal Javenkowski is Rochefort. Andrew Gilchrist-Scott will be Treville, head of the Musketeer organization with Jacob Turner and Katy Dallman as King Louis XIII and his wife Queen Annn. Other key cast members include Lauren Matheny, Philippa Foundling, Karrah Messer, Erin Stone, Tyler Stone, Katie Gee and Amy Dorner. Bimpe Olaniyan will stage manage here and in Edinburgh. Mrs. Lynda Sharpe will direct and has organized the trip to included added performances and tours for the group as they travel first to London and then to Edinburgh. Several Middleton High school alumni are also involved in this special production Charles Stone will mastermind the assembly of Pat Motiff's excellent set design in Edinburgh. Peter Mackie composed music played and recorded by the UW Chamber Orchestra and Bill Rahko worked on the soundscape and recordings to create the highest quality sound for the show.
The Scotland group deeply appreciates the skills and support that area parents and artists have provided to enhance the show. Costumes, Liz Lord, Justin Blair and Joe Berman, set construction, Jeff Skubal, fight choregrapher and Katrina Williams Brunner on choreography. Parents involved have already volunteered countless hours to the production, Rob and Erin Gee, Valerie Hoch, Kris Richgels, Janet Lord, Chuck and Tanya Stone, Alison Dorner, Jennifer Hirsch, Carol Roach, Doug and Mary Harper, the Haunty Family, Fanny Leung, and Judy Acker.
Produced by Middleton High School Drama at Middleton Performing Arts Center, Middleton High School, 2100 Bristol Street,Middleton
Performances: July 14, 2009
Performance Times: Sunday, July 14 at 4 pm
Ticket Prices: Adults $7, students/seniors $5
Call 608-829-9713 for reservations or more information.