The Odd Couple (male version)
By Neil Simon
Directed by Dan Prueher
Produced by Stoughton Village Players at Stoughton Village Players Theater, 255 E Main St, Stoughton
Performances: March 8-17, 2012
Performance Times: March 8-10, 7:30; March 11, 2:00; March 15-17, 7:30
Ticket Prices: $10 Thu/Sun, $12 Fri/Sat
Call TBA for reservations or more information.
Auditions will be held on the following days:
1/9/2012Jan. 8 and 9, 7-9 pm, Stoughton Village Players Theater, Main St., Stoughton. No prep necessary, readings from the script. 6 men and 2 women (mid-20s and up)