The Mousetrap

By Agatha Christie

Directed by Bradley Dokken

A group of strangers is in a boarding house during a storm, one of whom is a murderer.

The suspects include a newly married couple who run the house, and this incident nearly wrecks their perfect marriage. Others are a spinster with a curious background, an architect, who seems better equipped to be a chef, a retired Army major, a strange little man who claims his car has overturned in a drift, and jurists who make life miserable for everyone.

Into their midst comes a policeman, traveling on skis. He no sooner arrives, when the jurist is killed. Two down, and one to go. To get to the rationale of the murderer's pattern, the policeman probes the background of everyone present and rattles a lot of skeletons. Another famous Agatha Christie switch finish! Chalk up another superb intrigue for the foremost mystery writer of her time.

Produced by Oshkosh Community Players at The GRAND Oshkosh, 100 High Ave Oshkosh, WI 54901

Performances: February 24-26, 2022

Performance Times:
Thursday, February 24, 2022 7:30 PM
Friday, February 25, 2022, 7:30 PM
Saturday, February 26, 2022, 7:30 PM

We are keeping the theater doors open while making every experience as safe as possible. Face masks are required at this performance. Read more about our current policies at:

Ticket Prices: Tickets $24 | $20 | $18 | $15 Suite Seats $30

Call 920-424-2350 for reservations or more information.

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