The Mercy Seat
By Neil LaBute
Directed by George Gonzalez
Set the day after the twin towers were attacked. New York City is in layers of dust, confusion and sadness. Ben, who works at the World Trade Center, was not at work but with his mistress and boss, Abby, the day of the attack. He contemplates whether this is an opportunity to let his family think he is dead and start a new life with Abby, or answer his constantly ringing cell phone and go back to his wife. LaBute’s writing is emotionally charged, quick, true to life and chilling. MERCY SEAT opened on December 18, 2002 and was a critical success, selling out the length of its run.
Produced by The Bricks Theatre at 827 East Washington (Old Teen Lussier Center), Madison WI 53703
Performances: March 3-12, 2011
Performance Times:
Week 1: Thursday - Saturday 8pm, Sunday 5pm
Week 2: Thursday - Saturday 8pmTicket Prices: $20
Call 608-358-9609 for reservations or more information.