The Magic Flute
Directed by Opera for the Young
The Magic Flute is an enchanting introduction to the genius of Mozart. Opera for the Young's space-age adaptation tells the story of the noble Prince Tamino, the heroic Princess Pamina, the birdman Papageno, the evil Queen of the Night, and her assistant, Three-headed Lady. Its beautiful melodies and comical characters will delight youngsters, while thematic points concerning facing challenges and learning to forgive will generate thoughtful discussion.
Sixteen of Stoughton's Kegonsa Elementary students will perform on stage next to the professional opera singers as fanciful space creatures. Opera for the Young brings live, professional opera to audiences of all ages. All productions are fully staged, sung in English and adapted especially for kids.
Produced by Opera for the Young at Stoughton Opera House, 381 East Main Street, Stoughton
Performances: October 19, 2008
Performance Times: Sunday Oct 19, 2008 2:00pm
Ticket Prices: $5 at door, day of show, general admission, Lapsitters FREE
Call 608-877-4400 for reservations or more information.