The Boys Next Door
By Tom Griffin
Directed by Dennis Dopkins, Assistant Director Rebecca Vanderheyden
This very funny yet very touching play focuses on the lives of four retarded men who live in a communal residence under the watchful eye of a sincere, but increasingly despairing, social worker. Filled with humor, the play is also marked by the compassion and understanding with which it peers into the half-lit world of its handicapped protagonists... Mingled with scenes from the daily lives of these four, where "little things" sometimes become momentous (and often very funny), are moments of great poignancy when, with touching effectiveness, we are reminded that the handicapped, like the rest of us, want only to love and laugh and find some meaning and purpose in the brief time that they, like their more fortunate brothers, are allotted on this earth.
Produced by Janesville Little Theater at Janesville Performing Arts Center, 408 South Main Street, Janesville
Performances: November 7-16, 2014
Performance Times: Nov. 7, 8, 14, and 16 at 7:30, and Nov. 9 and 16 at 2:00
Ticket Prices: Adults $13 Students (age13-18) $6 Under 12 free (plus JPAC processing fee)
Call (608)-758-0297 for reservations or more information.