Steel Magnolias
By Robert Harling
Directed by Linda Draeving-Hammack
Steel Magnolias is a comedy drama that has its audience experience a full range of emotions. The story is about life, love, friendship, and dealing with diabetes. The entire story takes place in Truvyís Beauty Shop in Chinquapin Parish, Louisiana and features the hilarious gossip and wisecracks of six closely-knit friends. As one character says, ěLaughter through tears is my favorite emotion.î The cast of witty and intelligent characters includes six strong Southern women: Ann Manion as the smart-talking Truvy of Truvyís Beaty Shop; Elena Lahti as the ditzy new beauty assistant Annelle; Jean Gohlke as Clairee, the no-nonsense matron with a dry sense of humor; Nancy Strassburg as the good-hearted Shelby; Sharon Cybart as Shelbyís mother MíLynn who alternates between concern and sarcasm; and Jennie Nehls as Ouiser, the outrageous tart-tongued curmudgeon.
Produced by Evansville Community Theatre at JC McKenna Middle School Auditorium, Evansville, WI
Performances: October 11, 2003 - October 18, 2004
Performance Times: October 11, 12, 17 and 18 at 2:00 p.m. (Oct. 11, 12 & 18); 7:30 p.m. (Oct. 17 & 18)
Ticket Prices: $6 general admission; $5 seniors, students, children
Call 608-882-6944 for reservations or more information.