Shrek the Musical Jr
Directed by Jim Romenesko
Shrek the Musical Jr is a hilarious family-friendly musical comedy, based on the original Dreamworks film, that follows the adventures of the gruff but loveable ogre Shrek as he sets off on a quest to rescue the princess Fiona from a dragon. Part romance and part twisted fairy tale, Shrek the Musical Jr is an irreverently fun show for the whole family. Imaginative, elaborate sets and costumes and familiar characters bring the story to life that proves beauty is in the eye of the big ogre.
Produced by Xavier Theatre Academy at Xavier Fine Arts Theatre, 1600 W. Prospect Avenue
Performances: June 24-26, 2015
Performance Times:
June 24, 25, 26 @ 7:00 pm, June 26 @ 1:00 pmTicket Prices: $9 Adult, $8 Senior Citizen (60 and above), $5 Child
Call 920-733-8840 for reservations or more information.