Shirley Valentine
By Willy Russell
Directed by Cathy Meils
The heroine in this actor's tour-de-force is an ordinary middle class English housewife. As she prepares chips and egg for dinner, she ruminates on her life and tells the wall about her husband, her children, her past, and an invitation from a girlfriend to join her on holiday in Greece to search for romance and adventure. Ultimately, Shirley does escape to Greece, has an "adventure" with a local fisherman and decides to stay. This hilariously engaging play was a hit in London and New York, performed by Pauline Collins, who later recreated her role on film garnering an Oscar nomination.
Produced by Wisconsin Rapids Community Theatre at Wisconsin Rapids Community Theatre Auditorium, 220 3rd Avenue, S., Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495
Performances: December 9-12, 2017
Performance Times:
Dec. 9-10; 7:30pm
Dec. 12; 2:00pm matineeTicket Prices: $15; $12 for 10 or more
Call 715-421-0435 for reservations or more information.