Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
"Goin' courting" has never been as much fun as in this rip-roaring stage version of the classic MGM movie. Millie is a young bride living in 1850s Oregon whose plan to civilize and marry off her six rowdy brothers-in-law backfires when the brothers, in their enthusiasm, kidnap six women from a neighboring town to be their brides.
Produced by Eau Claire Children's Theatre at The State Theatre, 316 Eau Claire St, Eau Claire WI, 54701
Performances: March 29 - April 1, 2012
Performance Times: March 29-31 7:30pm, April 1 1:30pm
Ticket Prices: Adults $20, Seniors $16, Students $12, Youth $8
For tickets or more information, visit or call 715-839-8877.