Romeo & Juliet
By William Shakespeare, adapted by Joshua Castille, John Langs
Directed by John Langs
Oh, do we have a show for you. A play that makes every best-of list grows even more glorious with the marriage of Shakespeare’s spoken poetry with American Sign Language. A glorious mix of the aural with the visual - Shakespeare’s words take shape on the Hill stage, as his poetry swirls through the air, amplifying the impact of a story that fills and breaks our hearts, time and again. The breathtaking bloom of young love. A savage family rivalry raging in a state addicted to adrenaline and violence. Verona is a place where you move or you die. If anyone took a second to think, maybe things would turn out differently.Produced by American Players Theatre at APT's Up-the-Hill Amphitheater, American Players Theatre, 5950 Golf Course Road, Spring Green
Performances: August 4 - October 6, 2023
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Call 608-588-2361 for reservations or more information.