Nuncrackers: A Nunsense Christmas Musical
You’re invited to a live taping of the Little Sisters of Hoboken’s first TV special! This hilarious holiday show, directed by Steve Turek and featuring veteran local performers Carole Spenser, Laura Robbins-Leisz, Diane House, David Olson, Brenda Locher, and Cathy Reitz, features old and new holiday songs and a “Secret Santa” gift exchange.
NUNCRACKERS is sponsored in part by Charter Communications and Royal Credit Union.
Produced by Eau Claire Children's Theatre at The Oxford Theatre, 1814 Oxford Avenue, Eau Claire
Performances: December 15-18, 2016
Performance Times:
Performances are scheduled for Thursday, December 15 through Saturday, December 17 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, December 18 at 1:30 p.m.Ticket Prices: Reserved seating tickets are $22 for adults, $18 for seniors, $12 for students, and $8 for youth 12 and under.
For tickets or more information, visit or call 715-839-8877.