Non-Equity Diversity General Auditions
Facilitated by All In Productions virtually
Taking place April 19 - June 13, 2021
Call 414-510-8302 or visit for more information.
All In Productions is facilitating non-equity Diversity General Auditions to take place virtually April 19 - June 13.
Holding the Diversity Generals supports All In Productions’ mission to nurture and foster diverse, local talent. All theaters that are actively casting for future productions and pay their artists are invited to participate, and as of this release over 15 theaters from Wisconsin have signed up.
“It was particularly important for us to host the Diversity Generals this year. The commitment to diversity requires consistency and cannot be an afterthought that is only addressed when circumstances are ideal,” says Alex Schuerell, All In Productions’ Executive Director and Co-Founder. “Despite the challenges theaters are facing in light of the pandemic, it would do a huge disservice to the community and to the theater industry to put off Diversity Generals until next year.”General auditions serve an important role in the theater industry, by providing actors the opportunity to be seen by multiple theaters simultaneously, and is often how new actors receive their first roles.
The purpose of Diversity Generals is to provide opportunities to specific demographics that are underrepresented in the industry. These auditions are open to people of various ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, and physical, intellectual, and cognitive abilities. An accompanist, recording space, and other resources are provided - at no cost to actors - to further increase the accessibility of the auditions.
Individuals interested in auditioning can find information via local auditioning platforms and All In Productions’ social media channels.
Participating Theaters:
This is a working list and may grow.All In Productions
American Players Theatre
Black Arts MKE
Cooperative Performance
First Stage Children’s Theater
Forward Theater Company
Milwaukee Chamber Theatre
Milwaukee Repertory Theater
Music Theatre Madison
Next Act Theatre
Optimist Theatre/Shakespeare in the Park
Porchlight Music Theatre
Steep Theatre Company
Summit Players Theatre
The Box Theatre Co.
Theatre Gigante
Voices Found Repertory
Windfall Theatre