Murder in the Knife Room
By Jonathon Rand
Directed by Isabella Dozier and Olivia Huebner
One murder, seventeen suspects, and a lot of thunder. Who killed Mysterious Host? Could it be Respected General? What about Wealthy Dowager? Or maybe it was Reckless Cowboy. The mystery unfolds as Inexplicably Omniscient Inspector takes on the most thrilling and baffling murder case in the history of thrilling and baffling murder cases.
Produced by Wisconsin Heights Players at Mazomanie Community Building, 9 Broadhead St Mazomanie, WI
Performances: July 19-20, 2013
Performance Times: Friday, July 19 at 7 PM
Saturday, July 20 at 2 PM & 7 PMTicket Prices: $5 for children (12 and under) $7 for adults. Tickets will be sold at the door.