Murder Ballad
By Julia Jordan and Juliana Nash
Directed by Directed by Meghan Randolph, Music Direction by Jennifer Hedstrom
"One is destined for the grave..."
"Listen and I'll tell a tale...a tale where good does not prevail." So croons the Narrator as we enter into a world of passion, sex, deceit, betrayal, and murder. Sara, tired of the "trash and vaudeville" of her lower-east side life, leaves her passionate boyfriend Tom and partners with the adoring and intelligent Michael for upper west side parenthood. But boredom and temptation eventually lure her back to a dangerous affair with Tom, which ends in a shocking murder. But of whom? This tantalizing musical and its innovative staging are sure to leave you breathless.
Produced by Music Theatre of Madison at Brink Lounge, 701 East Washington Suite 105, Madison
Performances: February 28 - March 9, 2019
Performance Times:
PREVIEW February 28: $20. May still be a technical hiccup or two.
PERFORMANCES: March 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9Ticket Prices: Thursday preview: $20 Thursday March 7: $25 All other performances $27. Tickets available at starting February 2.
Call 800-838-3006 for reservations or more information.