MCT Young Playwrights Festival Showcase

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s biennial Young Playwrights Festival Showcase! Three winning one-act plays written by high school playwrights and produced by emerging and established local artists will receive a fully staged professional world premiere, and three honorable mentions will receive a staged reading during the performance week. In addition, new this Festival, one reading (IS IT NOW, OR HAS IT EVER BEEN?) will visit school classrooms to explore the nature of civil discourse and to serve as a case study in play construction.

Produced by Milwaukee Chamber Theatre at Broadway Theatre Center Studio Theatre, 158 N. Broadway, Milwaukee

Performances: January 10-13, 2019

Performance Times: TBA

Ticket Prices: TBA

Call 414-276-8842 for reservations or more information.

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Auditions will be held on the following days:


Milwaukee Chamber Theatre seeks 25 non-Equity actors for our biennial Young Playwrights Festival Showcase and Honorable Mention Readings to be held January 10-13, 2019 at the Broadway Theatre Center, Milwaukee. We strongly encourage actors of any origin, gender identification, and age to apply. Detailed character breakdown is as follows: 7, any origin/gender/age; 1 W, Hispanic or Latinx, 60s+; 4 W, 40s+; 1 W, Hispanic or Latinx, 30s-40s; 1 W, 20s-30s; 3 W, teens-20s; 1 W, Hispanic or Latinx, teens-20s; 2 W, teens; 1 M, 40s+; 2 M, 30s; 1 M, African-American, teens; 1 M, teens. Auditions will be held on Monday, September 10, 2018, from 6:00-10:00 PM at the Broadway Theatre Center, 5th floor, 158 N. Broadway, Third Ward, Milwaukee. Auditions are by appointment only; please reserve your audition slot or seek further information at or 414.276.8842 X118. A prepared, one-minute monologue is preferred, but other material will be provided if needed. Headshots/resumes are welcome but not required.

[Please note: Showcase actors must be available for full cast read-through (Monday, November 5, 2018, evening) and for ALL final rehearsals and performances (the week of January 7-13, 2019). Reading actors must be available for one rehearsal between January 7-11 and for the technical rehearsal and public reading on the afternoon of January 12, 2019. All interim rehearsals are scheduled individually with directors.]