Let Them Eat Cake

By Betty Diamond

Directed by Jan Levine Thal

About the play
A seriously comic exploration of women and food.

Why do we eat when we’re not hungry? Why do we not eat when we are? Is it safe to give babies food from cans? All these and other issues are confronted by a group of old friends who will gather to celebrate a birthday. With cake.

This is the Madison premiere of this award-winning play.

Produced by Kathie Rasmussen Women's Theatre at Bartell Theatre's Evjue Stage, 113 E. Mifflin St., Madison

Performances: May 4-19, 2018

Performance Times:
TEN Performances (most shows followed by talkbacks)

Friday, May 4, 8pm
Saturday May 5, 8pm
Sunday, May 6, 4pm matinee
Thursday May 10, 8pm
Friday May 11, 8pm
Saturday May 12, 8pm
Sunday, May 13, Mother’s Day, 4pm -- BRING YOUR MOTHER
Thursday, May 17, 8pm
Friday, May 18, 8pm
Saturday, May 19, 8pm

Tickets $20 -- groups of 10 or more qualify for cheap or free tickets. Contact janlevinethal@gmail.com

Ticket Prices: Tickets $20 -- groups of 10 or more qualify for cheap or free tickets. Contact janlevinethal@gmail.com

Call 608-661-9696 for reservations or more information.

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Auditions will be held on the following days:


Auditions at the Bartell Theatre. Please choose one evening and arrive at 7pm. If you cannot come either night, please email Director Jan Levine Thal janlevinethal@gmail.com BEFORE AUDITIONS to schedule a private audition.

Bring resume and headshot if you have them. But don't worry if you don't. Dress to move.

Seeking these roles (all races and ethnicities considered)

Amy: 30s-70s; a woman who has gained a few pounds is on a diet,and is about to have a milestone birthday.

June: 30s-70s: a slim, perky woman who is an expert baker.

Judith: 30s-70s: a formerly fat woman who still has food issues.

Two women to play multiple roles, such as St. Catherine of Siena, Rosemary Clooney, a bulimic college student, and the Diet Nazi.

Two men to play multiple roles such as the Devil, Lewis Carroll, a Biblical psalmist, and a fan of Brat Fest.

Auditioners will read from the script. Email or pm Jan Levine Thal janlevinethal@gmail.com for a pdf of the script.

Rehearsals: Rehearsals will be held at the Lakeview Moravian Church, 3565 Tulane Ave, Madison, WI 53714 until tech week, when they move to the Bartell.
Sunday through Thursdays evenings, March 25-May 3, 7pm – 10pm.

Talkbacks after most show -- actors encouraged but not required to attend.