Jekyll & Hyde

Based on Robert Louis Stevenson's classic story, this evocative Broadway musical tells the tale of the brilliant doctor whose experiments with human personality creates a murderous counterpart. When Jekyll unwittingly unleashes his own dark side, he wreaks havoc in the streets of London as the savage, maniacal Edward Hyde.

Produced by Eau Claire Children's Theatre at The State Theatre, 316 Eau Claire St

Performances: October 16-19, 2014

Performance Times: October 16-19 at 7:30pm
Octover 19 at 1:30pm

Ticket Prices: $20 Adults, $16 Seniors, $12 Students, $8 Youth

Call 7158398877 for reservations or more information.

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Auditions will be held on the following days:


JEKYLL AND HYDE auditions will be held August 24 & 25 at 7 p.m. Lead roles are available for 6 adult men and 2 adult women, as well as a singing/dancing chorus of 6-8 adult men and 8-10 adult women. Those auditioning should prepare a 30-60 second cutting from any Broadway musical. There will be no dance audition. Four public performances are scheduled October 16-19 at The State Theatre.

For complete audition information, visit and click on Auditions.

For those interested in helping behind the scenes, opportunities are available to help with sound and lights, working backstage, and with the costumes and sets. For more information, email or call 715-839-8877.