HUMOROLOGY 2007, "Never Say Never"
The show consists of six original mini musical comedies that are performed over a series of three nights. Each eighteen-minute show takes popular music and adapts it into an original story full of singing, dancing, and, of course, plenty of comedy. What makes Humorology so unique is that, aside from the music score, everything is created by the students. Each show is written, directed, choreographed, and performed by the students themselves. Even the sets and costumes are student-made, and when backed by a professional tech crew, Humorology has been equated to the caliber of an off-Broadway production. Proceeds are donated to The Chris Farley Foundation and Camp Heartland.
Produced by Humorology, INC at Wisconsin Union Theater: 800 Langdon St. Madison, WI
Performances: April 19 - 21, 2007
Performance Times: 7:30PM each night
Ticket Prices: $15 for Thursday night, $20 Friday & Saturday
Call 608-262-2201, or fax at 608-265-5084 for reservations or more information.