Hobson's Choice
By Harold Brighouse
Directed by Alex Hancock
In Hobson’s Choice, a romantic comedy by Harold Brighouse that takes place in Manchester, England, a young woman uses kindness and cunning to create a new life for herself and the man she loves. Full of memorable characters, gentle humor, and surprising wisdom, the play celebrates its 100th birthday this year. Our production will be set in the late 1920’s and will feature some of the wonderful popular music of that time.There are 12 characters, 7m and 5f. Actors age 10-22.
Produced by Upstart Crows Productions, Inc. at Lake Edge United Church of Christ, 4200 Buckeye Road, Madison, WI 53716
Performances: December 10-11, 2015
Performance Times:
Thursday December 10 and Friday December 11, at 7:00 pm. Doors open at 6:30.Ticket Prices: Donations are taken at the door.
Call 608-827-9482 for reservations or more information.