By Ellen McLaughlin
Directed by Jan Levine Thal
Helen of Troy is trapped in Egypt. First Paris kidnapped her and her husband, Menelaus, started a war to avenge her. Now this. In Ellen McLaughlin's entertaining adaptation, the Helen who launched a thousand ships is a mirage made of clouds. A goddess has moved the real daughter of Zeus and Leda far away from war and infidelity and into a once-luxurious hotel room in Cairo. As the war drags on, Helen is alone with her thoughts and her wise-cracking servant. But now visitors begin to appear -- bringing alarming news. Feminist? Anti-war? Yes! And more!
Fabulous cast: Autumn Shiley, Heather Renken, Carrie Masse, Jess Williard, and Nancy Craig
Produced by Kathie Rasmussen Women's Theatre in cooperation with Madison Theatre Guild at the Evjue, The Bartell Theatre, 113 E. Mifflin Street, Madison
Performances: November 5-13, 2010
Performance Times: Friday, Nov 5: 8pm Saturday, Nov 6: TWO SHOWS, 2pm & 8pm Sunday, Nov 7: 2pm Thursday, Nov 11: 7:30pm Friday, Nov 12: 8pm Saturday, Nov 13: TWO SHOWS 2pm & 8pm
Ticket Prices: $15 for all seats To purchase online www.madwomenstage.org
Call 608-663-5814 for reservations or more information.