The Foreigner
By Larry Shue
Directed by various
"The Foreigner" is a play written by a local Milwaukee playwright Larry Shue. "The Foreigner" takes place in rural Georgia where a British demolition expert, Froggy LeSeur, visits to give training sessions at a nearby army base. On this trip Froggy brings along a friend, Charlie, who is so shy that he is overcome with fear at the thought of talking to strangers. To solve this problem, Froggy tells everyone that Charlie is from a foreign country and cannot speak English. The fun begins as Charlie overhears evil plans and damaging revelations of the other guests and it sets up the funny climax for the "bad guys" and the "good guys" emerge triumphant.
Produced by The Redbud Players
Performances: March 30 - April 9, 2006
March 30 7:30 pm
April 1 7:30 pm
April 7 7:30 pm
April 8 7:30 pm
April 9 2:00 pm
All shows are held at the Columbus Fireman's Park Pavilion. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time from Express Video, 146 W. Mill St. Columbus or at the door. Ticket prices are $8.00.Call 608-623-3551 for reservations or more information.