Expecting Isabel
By Lisa Loomer
Directed by Jeanne Leep
A comedy about a New York couple trying to have a baby -- by any means necessary. A tour through the fertility trade, the adoption industry and family concerns uncover the emotional roller coaster that can come with trying to make a miracle.
Produced by Kathie Rasmussen Women's Theatre at Bartell Theatre's Evjue Stage, 113 E. Mifflin St., Madison
Performances: March 6-13, 2020
Performance Times:
Friday, March 6 7:30
Saturday, March 7, 7:30
Thursday, March 12, 7:30 -- $15
Friday, March 13, 7:30
Saturday, March 14, Cancelled due to COVID-19
Sunday, March 15,Cancelled due to COVID-19
Wednesday, March 18, Cancelled due to COVID-19
Thursday, March 19, Cancelled due to COVID-19
Friday, March 20, Cancelled due to COVID-19
Saturday, March 21 Cancelled due to COVID-19Ticket Prices: $15-$20
Call 608-661-9696 for reservations or more information.