Cabaret tells the story of a seedy nightclub in 1930s Berlin, where a young English performer strikes up a relationship with an America writer, all while a zealous Master of Ceremonies commands the action at the Kit Kat Klub. Cabaret has received numerous awards including Tony Awards for Best Musical (1966-67) and Best Revival (1997-98). CABARET is rated PG-13 for suggestive themes and content.
CABARET is sponsored in part by Charter Communications and Wisconsin Public Radio, as well as the 2014-2015 season sponsor, Kristo Orthodontics.
Produced by ECCT at the State Theatre, 316 Eau Claire St., Eau Claire, WIPerformances: May 14-16, 2015
Performance Times:
Thursday, May 14, Friday, May 1,5 and Saturday, May 16, at 7:30 p.m.Ticket Prices: Reserved seating tickets are $20 for adults, $16 for seniors, and $12 for students.
For tickets or more information, visit or call 715-839-8877.