Drakula - The Performance

Directed by Coleen Kehl

A fast moving hybrid tale of the vampire Count Drakula. In a multi-disciplinary version, dance tells the tale, music envelopes the audience, lights focus fear and Renfield narrates the story of the Count he so fervently follows. All the characters are here...Lucy, Mina, Van Helsing, Jonathan Harker...gargoyles, bats and the Counts beautiful vampire brides heighten the suspense and seduction of Stokers classic novel. PG-13

Produced by Stage Works Projects, Inc. at Stoughton Opera House, 381 East Main Street, Stoughton

Performances: October 28-29, 2011

Performance Times: Friday, 10/28 7:30 PM Curtain and
Saturday, 10/29 7:30 PM Curtain

Ticket Prices: $14.00 General Admission

Call 608.873.0717 for reservations or more information.

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Auditions will be held on the following days:


Bring a recent non-returnable photo. No late entry will be allowed. If performer is under 18 years old a parental signature is required on audition form.
Ages 13+ Registration 9:45 Audition 10:00-11:00 AM
Adults Registration 10:45 Audition 11;00-12:00 PM