Down To Earth
By Bettye Knapp
Directed by Julie Cox
Two full-fledged angels descend to earth to pick up two elderly souls. One is a tyrannical and miserly old lady who has amassed a fortune and who is looking for a way to take it with her – or she’s not going. The other is her neighbor, an old man with nothing but his love for his cat and his flowers to cheer him, and who is full resigned to going. Trouble ensues when an apprentice angel (with only one wing) who has tagged along with the other two angels decides to cause some mischief – something he is good at. He has a knack for making people fall in love – including a very unlikely pair.
Produced by Coloma Players, Inc. at Anna Follett Community Center, 155 Front Street, Coloma, WI 54930
Performances: April 16-25, 2010
Performance Times: Friday April 16 & 23 7:30pm Dinner Theater Saturday April 17 & 24 6:30pm Sunday April 25 2:00pm
Ticket Prices: $10 Regular, $9 Senior 60+ under 12 Advance tickets $8 / $7 Dinner Theater Saturday $20
Call 715-228-3662 for reservations or more information.