Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly
By Joan Cushing
Directed by Roseann Sheridan
Kids of all ages will love this rock-n-roll romp in a big bug's world. Is Spider getting too big for his own skin? Will Fly find her superhero powers in time to save her Aunt Rita from danger? Will Worm learn to stand on his own two feet…even though he doesn’t have feet? This delightful, new musical celebrates diversity while also teaching about the fascinating world of bugs. Turns out a bug’s life isn’t all that much different from ours!
Produced by Children's Theater of Madison at Overture Center for the Arts, 201 State Street, Madison
Performances: March 8-25, 2018
Performance Times: TBA
Ticket Prices: TBA
Call TBA for reservations or more information.
Auditions: Friday Dec. 15th 6-9pm and Saturday Dec. 16th 10am-noon.Seeking: energetic, versatile youth age 8 and up with strong singing and movement/dancing skills. Roles include "Spiderettes", "mini-super-heroes", and other ensemble back-up singer-dancers. This is a fun and whimsical musical based on the books by Doreen Cronin. Music and dance styles range from swing to hip-hop.
Sign up for a date and time via this link: It will take you to an audition form. Upon submitting that form, you will be linked to the signup sheet to select your day/time.
Please be prepared to sing the audition piece posted online labelled Diary Youth Audition Song
You may be asked to stay for a dance call at the end of the hour.
Follow this link for more information: http://ctmtheater.org/get-involved/audition-for-shows