A Christmas Carol...More or Less
By Stefano LoVerso & Mary Irey
Directed by
This comedy tells of a married couple whose small theatre is presenting A Christmas Carol - until they realize their cast and crew are snowed out and can't reach the theatre. As the old saying goes, "The show must go on..," the couple decide to do the play as a duo and manage to perform much of the play, with lots of comedy along the way.
Produced by Redbud Players
Performances: November 30 - December 3, 2006
- November 30 - December 1, 2006 Fireman's Park Pavilion, Columbus, Wis.
- December 2-3, 2006 Fall River School, Fall River, Wis.
Performance Times: 7:30 Nov. 30 - Dec. 2; 2 pm Dec. 3
Ticket Prices: $8
Call 920-623-3551 for reservations or more information.