Break A Leg!
By Five Ensemble Theater Groups
Directed by Sarah Whelan, coordinator
"Luck" is the theme for these six performances at Overture Center, Wisconsin Studio. In the game of chance, these theater artists will give new life to the old phrase, "Break A Leg!" The production brings three national ensemble theater groups to share the stage with Madison-based ensemble theater artist, Jody Reiss, actor; and TAPIT/new works Ensemble Theater (Danielle Dresden and Donna Peckett). The out-of-town artists include Coatlique Theatre Company (Elvira and Hortencia Colorado from New York City; Lisa Fay and Jeff Glassman, movement-based theater artists from Urbana, Illinois; and Marya Errin Jones, vocalist, pupeteer and actor, from Rhode Island.
Produced by TAPIT/new works Ensemble Theater at 201 State Street
Performances: November 15-17, 2007
Performance Times: 7:30 PM, Thursday, November 15; 8:00 PM, Friday, November 16; 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM, Saturday, November 17,
Ticket Prices: $20 general; $17 students and seniors
Call 608-258-4141 for reservations or more information.