By David Gaines, Malcolm Tulip
Theatre Gigante casts a sideways glance at cinema with A NIGHT AT THE MOVIES, featuring a dazzling and hilarious one-man rendition of the film classic, THE SEVEN SAMURAI, created and performed by David Gaines, who – using nothing but his body, voice, face and two masks – plays forty-seven characters in the process of telling this great story.
Opening the evening is "and...ACTION!" – a playful, enigmatic piece about actors auditioning for a film - written by Malcolm Tulip, and performed by Isabelle Kralj, Mark Anderson and John Kishline.Produced by Theatre Gigante at Off-Broadway Theater, 342 N. Water, Milwaukee
Performances: November 5-7, 2009
Performance Times: Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 8pm www.theatregigante.org
Ticket Prices: $25/20/10 regular/senior/student
Call 414-278-0765 for reservations or more information.
Auditions will be held on the following days: