And Then There Were None
By Agatha Christie
Directed by Steve Balda
When the play opens, a cluster of statuettes – ten little soldier boys - sits on the mantelpiece of a weird country house on an island off the coast of Devon. A nursery rhyme embossed above them tells how each little soldier boy met his death, until there was none.
To this queer Byzantine mortuary eight assorted guests are invited for a weekend by a mysterious host. The guests have never met one another before, nor have they met their host. Nor has the housekeeper, the butler, or the boatman ever met their employer.
While the guests are assembled for cocktails prior to going to dinner, a voice comes out of the air, accusing everyone present, including the two house servants, each in his turn, of murder – not the sort of murder on which a conviction can be got in the courts but a murder just the same. And while they are exchanging data on themselves and on their host (who has sent word he will not be down until the next day) one of the ten little soldier boy statuettes topples off the mantelpiece and breaks – and immediately thereafter, the first guest dies. One down and nine to go.
Then the excitement begins and never lets down until the final curtain.
Produced by Reedsburg Players at ,
Performances: August 21-24, 2008
Performance Times: Thursday, Aug 21, Friday, Aug 22, Saturday. Aug 23 @ 7:00 PM Sunday Aug 24 @ 2:00 PM/ CAL Center at Reedsburg Area High School
Ticket Prices: $10 $9 Seniors
Call 608-524-4626 for reservations or more information.