A Christmas Carol

Directed by Pat Hitt

Produced by Mukwonago Village Players at Mukwonago High School, 605 W School Rd, Mukwonago, Wi. 53149

Performances: December 10-19, 2010

Performance Times:
Performances at 7:30 December 10th,11th, 17th, 18th
2:00 Matinees December 12th & 19th

Ticket Prices: General Admission $10.00, Seniors/Students $8.00, Under age 12 $6.00

Call (262) 470-PLAY (7529) for reservations or more information.

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Auditions will be held on the following days:


WHERE: Mukwonago High School Theater

WHEN: September 20th and 21st

Children ages 7-12 ... 6:30pm
Teens ages 13-17 ... 7pm
Adults 18 and older ...7:30pm

10 children are needed for the main cast, and 20 children are needed for the chorus
4 to 8 teenagers are needed for the main cast, and 10 for the chorus
12 men are needed, ages 18 and up (experienced and non-experienced)
12 women are needed, ages 18 and up (experienced and non-experienced)

No preparation is necessary. A reading from the script will be requested. Carolers will be asked to sing a song.