Educational Programs

The WInter Project currently offers two educational programs: First Contact, for teenagers interested in the performance of Once Five Years Pass, and From the Body Into the Story, geared towards actors who would like to have a direct contact with The WInter Project's training. The group also offers a lecture-demonstration on Lorca and the Carnivalesque.

First Contact

Through movement and theatre improvisation, participants will be guided to explore specific themes based on their personal associations: time, dream, relationship, procrastination, memories, expectations, life, death, and so forth. This first two-hour session can be followed by a second meeting to create a montage from the material developed during the first session. The WInter Project's main objective is to lead the young participants into some basic principles of both performance and interpersonal interaction: to communicate with clarity, to actively watch and listen, and to explore the body as an alternative to the discursive mind.

From the Body Into the Story

This workshop offers the participants an opportunity to experience The WInter Project’s work with physical and vocal training, as well as director and actor’s montages. The workshop can occur over two days, with at least one four-hour session each, but ideally, the work should be developed in a week-long residency. The training involves learning various physical techniques and principles, exploring traditional songs and their resonant possibilities, investigating the use of text and the word. The work with montage departs from the creation of "physical actions," as in the later work of Stanislavski. Both dramatic text and folktales may provide the sources for the development of "physical actions," or performance material. Participants will not only learn how to edit and montage their own performance material, but also how to view and critique the scene work developed by other participants.